If you and your partner have decided to take the leap and move in together, then you’ve probably realized there’s so much more to do than just move things.

The first step in any move according to Seriatim is, “knowing yourself.” Knowing yourself will make everything step of this move easier. You must then take a good look through all of the stuff that you own and have your partner do the same.

In most cases, you’ll go through your things and find that you may have duplicate appliances between both apartments- couches, coffee tables, etc. The best thing to do is choose one of the two that you both can agree on.

After you’ve both gone through your stuff separately, it’s time to look at everything together and figure out what you both have, creating piles of what you’re going to keep, sell, donate or get rid of before the move takes place.

It’s very important to get this taken care of before the move instead of moving everything into the new space because this way it doesn’t create a chaotic atmosphere in your new apartment and it also won’t cost you to move extra things you wouldn’t need in the long run.

Pre-Move Checklist

❏     Take inventory of both apartments (furniture, appliances.)

❏     Make a decision to decide between the things that you have two of.

❏     Make four piles of what you’ll keep, toss, sell or donate.

❏     Measure the furniture you decide to keep.

❏     Pack and label all boxes of things you’re sure to keep.

Stay tuned for more tips from Seriatim Founder Sonya Weisshappel in next weeks entry. If you enjoyed this entry check out Sonya’s spring cleaning tips