West Village

An overview of West Village

Largest nearby city: New York city, New York

West Village real estate

West Village Median Sale Price

Q3 2021 Median Sales Price

+13% From Q2 2021







Comparison data is vs. same period prior year. Bar chart data represents either Full Year Median or point-in-time Median Data for the current year.

West Village apartments

The West Village Real Estate Scene

Just steps away from any West Village apartment, you can catch a show at the Cherry Lane Theater, New York's oldest continuously running off-Broadway theater. From there, it’s easy to make a quick stop by the nearby Minetta Tavern for their famous Black Label Burger, specially created by celebrity butcher Pat LaFrieda. Little Bohemia is a fashionable Lower Manhattan neighborhood with creative roots, a busy atmosphere, and an intimate feel. The area hosts a larger dining scene with an infinite number of cuisines in varied styles of dining, from casual eateries to distinguished fine dining establishments. This community maintains an exciting nightlife and has a reputation as an excellent high-end shopping destination. Residents are grateful to live in this locale because of its family-friendly residential appeal as well as its convenient location, with easy commuting options and close proximity to other fun, high-profile Manhattan neighborhoods.

West Village NYC Apartments

The West Village has a unique style and image that sets it apart from other communities in NYC. The abundant foliage, historical architecture, and well-maintained streets give it a distinct charm. West Village Living offers residents the opportunity to live a classy lifestyle that is simultaneously fast-paced and relaxing. West Village NYC real estate is made up of a selection of classic brownstones, cozy walk-ups, and luxury apartment buildings, all of which are consistently in high-demand. West Village is the perfect place to live for those who value safety and comfort while having unlimited activity at their fingertips.

West Village apartments in NYC have quite a broad range of price points to suit almost any buyer or renter. Affordable West Village apartment rentals are available for about $2,200 - $2,300/month, with West Village real estate sales listings typically starting below $450k. There are also many West Village luxury apartments on the market, renting for as much as $30,000 - $40,000 or more and selling for upwards of $40-$50 Million.

West Village schools & education


The West Village offers residents access to many high-quality public, private, and charter schools. Schools in the area reflect the distinguished character of the West Village. It is served by New York City Geographic Districts #2, which has a strong reputation for top-ranking schools that focus on innovative teaching methodologies, community engagement, family involvement and high levels of student support. The district is also highly praised due to its dedicated staff and accessible administration. West Village schools offer specialized programs for gifted students as well as individualized courses of study that are aimed at meeting the specific needs of students. The West Village also hosts some world-famous universities, giving it the full gamut of educational opportunities.

Preschool Schools 4 VIEW SCHOOLS »
Elementary Schools 4 VIEW SCHOOLS »
Middle Schools 4 VIEW SCHOOLS »
High Schools 12 VIEW SCHOOLS »
Other Schools 4 VIEW SCHOOLS »
Private Schools 7 VIEW SCHOOLS »

West Village lifestyle & culture

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