Downtown Brooklyn

An overview of Downtown Brooklyn

Largest nearby city: New York city, New York

Downtown Brooklyn real estate

Downtown Brooklyn Median Sale Price

Q4 2021 Median Sales Price

-33% From Q3 2021







Comparison data is vs. same period prior year. Bar chart data represents either Full Year Median or point-in-time Median Data for the current year.

Downtown Brooklyn apartments

Living in Downtown Brooklyn Apartments in NYC

Downtown Brooklyn is a fascinating cultural hub full of impressive architecture, lovely fine-dining restaurants, fabulous shopping, and glorious parks. All in a centralized location that offers stress-free commuting. Despite its presence as a business district, Downtown Brooklyn possesses a calming atmosphere and locals enjoy tranquil evenings, free of busy street traffic. Nightlife in the area is relaxed and casual. The location offers access to a number of entertainment venues and cultural attractions. Also, every modern convenience is within easy reach in this low-hassle locale. Downtown Brooklyn is known for its beautiful brownstones, tree-lined streets, and beautified, historic aesthetic. Blending classic and contemporary New York styles within an absolutely stunning setting, Downtown Brooklyn is a great place to live and work.

Downtown Brooklyn Real Estate

Currently undergoing a seismic change, the Downtown real estate scene is seeing a spate of new development projects around the Brooklyn Academy of Music, mirroring what happened around Lincoln Center in the 1980's. There were historically very few Downtown properties for residential purposes, as the area was a commercial center. But since the 2004 rezoning of Downtown Brooklyn, the area has seen a number of new condominium towers and office conversions – 14,000 apartments in downtown total.

There is a fairly wide selection of Downtown apartments available in Brooklyn at many different price points. Rentals typically go for about $2,000 to $8,500 or more per month. Downtown luxury apartments are selling for as much as $5-$6 Million, but great investments are available here and you can own a downtown apartment starting at roughly $350,000.

Downtown Brooklyn schools & education


Downtown Brooklyn is well-known for its fantastic educational offerings. The area’s committed community and centralized location, allow for an endless supply of spectacular academic options. Area schools are revered for their focus on community and family involvement as well as their dedicated administration and staff. The area is served by New York City Geographical Districts 13 and 14, which supply supportive programs for students at all levels. They offer gifted programs, language programs, and specified courses of study. Curricula are designed to promote student success in higher education pursuits and there are also numerous extracurricular offerings. Downtown Brooklyn is an amazing community, full of educational opportunity.

Elementary Schools 2 VIEW SCHOOLS »
Middle Schools 3 VIEW SCHOOLS »
High Schools 4 VIEW SCHOOLS »
Private Schools 4 VIEW SCHOOLS »

Downtown Brooklyn lifestyle & culture

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