Maybe it’s just me, but when I think of ballet-inspired workouts I think of graceful breathes and pink tutus moving to the sound of Chopin and Tchaikovsky. Or, the Parisian reverie and what I imagine to be the glamorous life of a ballerina.  So when I heard we were invited to a ballet-barre inspired workout, and the promise of a ballet bod, I said, “Yes, please!”  As a mom of three, and with the New Year’s resolution in mind, I walked over to the new Physique 57 studio at 55 Broadway.

We were welcomed with smiles, and quickly checked in.  The space felt more like a health spa, with the uplifting hues of blue and that unique, energizing essence of Manhattan boutique studios.  The changing room was exceptional – not in the aesthetic standard measure, but rather in the Physique 57 self-love way.  I looked in the mirror, and it read, “Strong looks good on you.”  I’ll take it.

Shannon, our lead spiritual gangster, started us off with a timely remix of our beloved Prince.  The cardio-filled warm-up was true to the Lotte Berk Method, and surprisingly fun.  I looked over at our COO, Dezireh Eyn, and our marketing manager, Gabriela Reyes, and they seemed to be… smiling?  Well there’s one way to rock a group workout.  And then there’s me.  I was not smiling through the pain.  Trying to mask the overwhelming burn firing up your thighs is not a feat for the weak.  With my legs quivering and the irresistible temptation to give in, I remembered how I felt only 10 minutes before when I had read “Strong looks good on you.”  Confident, empowered and resolute, I pulsed and lifted on.

I quickly learned that the “Barre shake” was not a delicious, sweet treat you can pick up at Shake Shack or Black Tap Burger.  It’s what happens when you hold on to the bar (for dear life) as you squat and hold for repetitive intervals.  As the many early-cutout excuses synapsed through my head, I looked around the room for that empathetic “I feel you” glance.   Instead, I saw a group of strong women with total agency over their bodies and I felt inspired.

My muscles worked to their fullest potential (hence the quiver), and I challenged my mind along the way.  We signed up for the challenge together, found strength within each other, and killed our 57 minute workout.  As I walked out of the high-rise 55 Broadway building, I thought of another inspiring quote of Physique 57: “Do something today that your future self will thank you for.”   Check!

This incredible class is perfect for the modern woman looking for long-term fitness and health.  And guess what, FiDi residents?  As part of the new studio unveiling, Physique 57 is offering two complimentary classes just for you!
Let us know if you’re interested, and don’t forget “Strong looks good!”

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