In a recent BrickUnderground article, Mayra David posed the following question to various New York City residents: Would you rather live above the Second Avenue subway construction, or over a Subway sandwich shop?

Did your answer flash before your eyes? Let’s examine both sides of this argument:

The long awaited Second Avenue subway construction began in 2007, with phase 1 set to be completed in 2014, and the whole line opening in 2016. As all New Yorkers know, this is probably not a reality. The construction has caused countless traffic disturbances as well as noise disturbances to residents in the area. However, real estate in the area has not turned over as most people predicted. Second Avenue will become a highly desirable area in the future with the most convenient travel up and down the East side, so why not stay put or invest now? However, without an investment in ear plugs, there’s no way to completely drown out the constant drilling going on below.

On the other hand, let’s be honest, you know what a Subway Sandwich shop smells like without even being near one.

So what do you think: would you rather live above the Second Avenue construction, or in a building constantly smelling of a Subway shop?